Wednesday, June 6, 2007

In the beginning....

I am one freaking ticked off voter. Angrier than I have ever been, frustrated at the total inability to affect change in this rotting democracy. This president has given me a bloody war based on a lie, tax cuts I cant afford, voter suppression, katrina and incureable insomia. I've become obssesed with political blogs and c-span. Hoping against hope that somehow this long national nightmare will somehow, miraculously, end when I wake. Scandal after scandal, soldier after soldier, lie after lie.

So I don't care if he decides to get in the race or not - I'm starting a write in campaign for Al Gore's presidency. I hope this blog will attract individuals that can spread the word and collect write-in campaign info from all the states. I have begun researching New Hampshire. Anyone who can contribute info please do and much appreciated. Screw drafting Gore, just give him the job!
Run Al Run!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tink New Hamphire does have have a write in primary - I would actually assume all states do. I think Johnson ran as a write in the dem Primary agains McGovern in NW..