Sunday, July 29, 2007

Gingrich vs. Gore in 2008?

Gingrich versus Gore in 2008. Gore? Gingrich? They are not even running! But the possibility is not nearly as flaky as it sounds.....more

Will Clinton-Obama Slugfest Set the Stage for Gore? the Summer heats up, so does the head-to-head political battle between the 2008 Democratic frontrunners, Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton. When only one is left standing (most likely Hillary), former vice president Al Gore announces his candidacy and becomes the clear, highly electable #1 choice among Democrats. And if he offers Obama the vice-presidency, just imagine how attractive that ticket could be on a national scale.

more here ......

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Gore Wins Award for Environment Work

MADRID, Spain -- Former Vice President Al Gore won Spain's most prestigious prize Wednesday for his "decisive contribution to progress in solving the grave problems of climate change which threaten our planet."Gore won the Prince of Asturias award for international cooperation, considered by some to be a warm-up for the Nobel Prizes, for which Gore is nominated this year in the peace category........continued......

Poll shows Pennsylvanians like Gore vs. GOP

Former vice president beats McCain, ties Giuliani in head-to-head matchups, survey finds.

Gore hits Chicago to chants of 'Run, Al, Run'

Gore hits Chicago to chants of 'Run, Al, Run'

...."I'm not planning to be a candidate again," Gore said, after a six-minute campaign-style speech that touched on everything from his trademark issue of global warming to the Iraq war."

yeah yeah yeah.......

In the beginning....

I am one freaking ticked off voter. Angrier than I have ever been, frustrated at the total inability to affect change in this rotting democracy. This president has given me a bloody war based on a lie, tax cuts I cant afford, voter suppression, katrina and incureable insomia. I've become obssesed with political blogs and c-span. Hoping against hope that somehow this long national nightmare will somehow, miraculously, end when I wake. Scandal after scandal, soldier after soldier, lie after lie.

So I don't care if he decides to get in the race or not - I'm starting a write in campaign for Al Gore's presidency. I hope this blog will attract individuals that can spread the word and collect write-in campaign info from all the states. I have begun researching New Hampshire. Anyone who can contribute info please do and much appreciated. Screw drafting Gore, just give him the job!
Run Al Run!